If you want to look better or if you have yellowish teeth from smoking or drinking coffee, teeth whitening is a sure way to improve your smile and gain more confidence in your appearance. The Laser Whitening system is a high-quality option that provides spectacular results in just one hour.
Restoring the color of your teeth can help you look up to ten years younger, which is why it is one of the most popular treatments.
Your teeth can see eight lighter shades in an hour.
Answer these questions to yourself and decide:
Do you cover your mouth when you talk or smile?
Do not you like to have pictures taken smiling?
Have you left your mustache to hide your smile?
Do you like your teeth but would you like to have them whiter without harming them?
Do you have pigmentation due to age or food?
Do you have pigmentations for tobacco?
Do you have dark spots or teeth because of a blow or trauma?
Do you have a dark tooth for having done a root canal treatment?
If you answered yes to any of the questions you should advise on tooth whitening in your particular case as you are a strong candidate for laser whitening.